lunes, 17 de noviembre de 2014


I'm a little sad because the English blog is my favorite part of the Mondays, I'm going to miss it so much. In fact I have a few of followers of my blog, they going to miss it too. I think blogs are a good way to learn English because you can write about things that you like, I had a great time writing here.

I‘ve never been bad in English, I always understand everything, but my weakness is to talk in English with someone who knows well this language. I thinks its just a thing of practice. In my winter vacations I went a couple of times to Pub Crawl, it is a party for foreigner people here in Santiago, and I had the opportunity to talk in English with people from different parts of the world That was a really good way to practice the language, and also I had a really good time. 

In my daily life I use English only when I watch movies or TV, or when I listen music, but I don’t talk in English so often, I think it’s time to go to Pub Crawl soon, to practice.

Well, now I have to say goodbye. Hope you enjoyed reading this blog, as much as I did writing it. Hasta la vista, baby ;)

lunes, 3 de noviembre de 2014

This is my year, definitively

I wouldn't say that this year has been good or bad, because my life have been very good, but also there are bad things that have happened to other people, so I can't be so self referent. 

My year started with a travel that I made to Buenos Aires with three friends. We had a really good experience, and definitively I want to keep travelling around the world.

At university, this year has been a little frustrating, because there is a bad organization in "Taller" wich is the principal subject of the year in my career, but despite that, I've done well in general. 

I have met many people this year. I made new friends. In fact, we have a group of friends in my neighborhood and occasionally we get together in the streets of San Miguel. We like to ride our bikes, drink beer, smoke cigarettes, watch funny shows on TV, and singing karaoke. I'm starting to love them, they are very nice people and a good way to evade my responsibilities.

On the other hand, I have a couple friend of mine, that were parents this year, and other friends have broke up their relationship and started a new one. 

So, as you can see, many things have happened this year. Pedro Engel says that this year, is the year of Wood Horse in the Chinese Horoscope, and it's like the horse of Troya, it means that is a intense year full of movement and changes. I believe him, he's my shepherd, I lack nothing. BYE

lunes, 27 de octubre de 2014


I don’t know why, but this year money has been an important matter in my life. All began when I started selling recycled clothes at the university with my friends Indira And Oscar, and started to make money. The class schedule became difficult to continue with this activity so I had to search another way to make money. That’s how I started to make alfajores to sell in the university. I like it because it’s simple, and you make a good money.

I spend my money mainly for partying every weekend, so I have to make alfajores every week too. It’s unbelievable all the money that you waste when you are partying. My friend Tana always is complaining about that, because she is a poor girl and always have to lend money. I don’t waste my money only for partying. Lately I been fixing my bicycle, so a bit of my money has gone in that.

I think I’m not good at managing my budget , because whenever I have I spend it very quickly. The “kioskos” in this campus are my downfall! Its sells a lot of delicious food, like cakes, sandwiches and empanadas. So, it’s near impossible for me not to buy something every day. I have to stop because summer is near.

If I was a rich gir na na na na…. Sorry. If I was a Rich girl I would live in a big house with lots of yard and a giant balcony. It would have a beach house too. Buy lots of delicious and expensive food, wear the latest fashions from Paris and travel around the world.

lunes, 20 de octubre de 2014

One little green like Hulk or a little green like Shrek monster (8)

I think environmentally friendly practices are still unknown to many people. The worry about this issues been increasing with the information and studies about the global warming. I don't remember If I was taught in school about this. Probably yes, they did.

In my case, all I know about recycling and that stuff I've learned on TV and other media. I think this city is not so dirty like other cities in the world. However, it should raise these issues in the poorest
neighborhoods, or include public policy on these issues, as they did in Punta Arenas with plastic bags.

If you ask me how green am I, I think I am like al light green, because I am worry about the environment but I don't do many things to help. Of course I always throw the garbage on the trash, but that is a matter of good education more than friendship with the environment. Also I love to ride my bicycle (like the song), and I hate the public transport most of the time, specially now with the case of the bombs, so If I have the chance I always try to use my bike. I love to walk too, and I really like plants and nature, so maybe I am more green than I taught.

lunes, 29 de septiembre de 2014

My future job

The things I would like to work, that belongs to my career at university, is Production Designer or Assistant Director. The production designer or P.D is the person responsible for the overall look of a filmed event such as films, TV programs, music videos or adverts.  And the role of the assistant director includes trakking daily progress against the filming production schedule, arranging logistic, preparing daily call sheets, checking cast and crew, and maintaining order on the set.

I would do either of those things, first because I have always liked the design. I like to think of the setting, the costumes and makeup, and that's what I notice when I see an audiovisual product. I also think it's a fun job. On the other hand, I always liked organizing events, so working as an assistant director would also be gratifying for me. Still don't know which one I like the most, but I think I can do well in either.

If I wouldn't work on something related to my studies, I think I would be a merchant. Lately I've realized that I have facilities to sell things to people. Last year I was selling used clothing with two friends, I was doing very well. Now I'm selling "alfajores" that I made by myself (with help of my friend Tana). There are delicious, you just have to taste one. I was also selling magic cakes for a while,  my classmates was my mayor costumers, but the feedstock was sold out.

lunes, 22 de septiembre de 2014

I'm sorry i'm thinking about cats again!

Hello! well, today the teacher ask us about who is our best friend. This is a really difficult question, because  if I choose one, the others probably gets angry. I'm not saying that I have a lot of friends, I can count my good friends with muy hand's fingers. So for not to cause controversy, I will talk about other kind of friend, my cat, Luna.

Luna came to my house the last November, when she was just a little baby. I remember she used to fall asleep in the palm of my hands (she was really small) and she cried a lot. Now Luna is almost one year old and she's very different. First she doesn't love me as much as before. She only comes to me when no one is pampering her or when she's in heat. She loves my mom, but I think it's just interest, because my mom bring her a can of tuna, every night when she arrive from work.

I consider her my best friend, because we sleep together, eat together, smoke together, even we play hide and seek, but Luna still have trouble understanding the game. There's sometimes when she is really tiresome, but I still love her. And I love cats, I love every kind of cat. I just want to hug all them but I can't ;(

That's all for today, I'm sick and I wnat to sleep. I'll let a song for all the catlovers. Bye, bye. If you have TV, see you there!

lunes, 8 de septiembre de 2014

A concert to remember (or not)

Its a little hard for me to choose the best concert I’ve ever had, because there are so many that I really enjoyed. But one concert I think I never forget was the first concert I went in my life… and that was Alejandro Sanz in 2005. It was held at Estadio Nacional. I went to that concert with an old friend of the school, (now she isn’t my friend but there’s another story) she was totally in love with that Singer, and I liked him but when I was like 8 years old, when I had a cousin who put one of his albums every single day, in my grandmother’s house. I’ll never forget this concert because I think was the worst concert I’ve had in my life! Not because the Singer, just because we went to court, so we was stood all the time next to many histerical and totally crazy woman, who pushing us and they left my friend breathlees, she almost fainted, so she had to leave the court and I was left all alone during the entire concert. That was suck! Anyway, after that experience I went to other concerts, where was funniest than this. I like go to festivals too, but in Chile the price of the tickets is extremely high, and that put me very angry, because these year come many bands I would like to see, but I’m a POOR GIRL!