lunes, 3 de noviembre de 2014

This is my year, definitively

I wouldn't say that this year has been good or bad, because my life have been very good, but also there are bad things that have happened to other people, so I can't be so self referent. 

My year started with a travel that I made to Buenos Aires with three friends. We had a really good experience, and definitively I want to keep travelling around the world.

At university, this year has been a little frustrating, because there is a bad organization in "Taller" wich is the principal subject of the year in my career, but despite that, I've done well in general. 

I have met many people this year. I made new friends. In fact, we have a group of friends in my neighborhood and occasionally we get together in the streets of San Miguel. We like to ride our bikes, drink beer, smoke cigarettes, watch funny shows on TV, and singing karaoke. I'm starting to love them, they are very nice people and a good way to evade my responsibilities.

On the other hand, I have a couple friend of mine, that were parents this year, and other friends have broke up their relationship and started a new one. 

So, as you can see, many things have happened this year. Pedro Engel says that this year, is the year of Wood Horse in the Chinese Horoscope, and it's like the horse of Troya, it means that is a intense year full of movement and changes. I believe him, he's my shepherd, I lack nothing. BYE

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