lunes, 22 de septiembre de 2014

I'm sorry i'm thinking about cats again!

Hello! well, today the teacher ask us about who is our best friend. This is a really difficult question, because  if I choose one, the others probably gets angry. I'm not saying that I have a lot of friends, I can count my good friends with muy hand's fingers. So for not to cause controversy, I will talk about other kind of friend, my cat, Luna.

Luna came to my house the last November, when she was just a little baby. I remember she used to fall asleep in the palm of my hands (she was really small) and she cried a lot. Now Luna is almost one year old and she's very different. First she doesn't love me as much as before. She only comes to me when no one is pampering her or when she's in heat. She loves my mom, but I think it's just interest, because my mom bring her a can of tuna, every night when she arrive from work.

I consider her my best friend, because we sleep together, eat together, smoke together, even we play hide and seek, but Luna still have trouble understanding the game. There's sometimes when she is really tiresome, but I still love her. And I love cats, I love every kind of cat. I just want to hug all them but I can't ;(

That's all for today, I'm sick and I wnat to sleep. I'll let a song for all the catlovers. Bye, bye. If you have TV, see you there!

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