lunes, 1 de septiembre de 2014

Japan will be destroyed sooner or later

First of all I have to say that "What is your favorite movie?” Is the worst question you can ever make to a filmmaking student. So if someday you meet a filmmaking student or someone like that, PLEASE DON'T DO THAT QUESTION. Well, today I'm going to tell you about a movie that really put me on shock. This is Japan Sinks (2006). This is a disaster movie in which Japan will sink down to the deep sea in 388 days. The governments only hope is evacuate all Japanese to some other countries, but there are countries that don't want to receive Japanese people (yes, poor Japan). Curiously, when many people have died from the cataclysms caused by the sinking, a scientist comes up revealing the only way to stop the catastrophe (and yes, he knew it all the time, but never said anything, I think because no one asked him). Also there is a couple who loves each other but for some reason never get together until the end of the movie, when he has to leave her to die saving Japan of the sink (Sorry for the spoilers) this is the most emotive scene of the movie, and I’ll share with you at the end of the post. I like this movie because it reminds me a beautiful moment with my filmmaking classmates in the Cajón del Maipo. We stayed in a cottage, and there was a few movies under the TV. We found this movie and we saw it while drank some navegado and smoked some cigarettes. I feel sorry for Japan, first was Godzilla and then this. Anyway, the population is so large that the death of a few millions doesn't mean much to them (?). Now here is the best scene, hope you watch the full movie some day, but I think it’s difficult to find. SEE YOU. XOXO.

6 comentarios:

  1. "cigarettes" right, I believe you little girl, how much "cigarettes" you smoke in one single day? I think that A LOT


  2. I love that movie, i think it's one of my favorites. But, did u rememba when you saw it, you was so drug, hahaha, I hope to see it again and again, and if we would see it again, i hope you could be with ur mexon caxondo

    1. Hot wine and cigarettes are good drugs, because there are LEGAL ;)

  3. If the movie is from Japan it will be so kawai :3

  4. jajajajja you make me laugh , i remember when we watched that movie and everybody crying :´(, and yet i ask me : WHY????
