martes, 24 de mayo de 2011


I enjoy taking photos, but in this moment I don´t have a camera, I lost it in a concert. When I had it I took so many photos especially in the school.
Now I have a professional analog camera but I don’t use it very often because it is very complicated and I can’t handle all its functions yet, but I hope to learn soon.

Is very difficult think in a photo that I like because there are too many good photos. But an important photo that I want to share whit you is this, taken for the photojournalist Robert Capa in 1944 during the Normandy invasion in the 2nd world war. The photo shows how the soldiers landing on the coast of Omaha and reflect all the drama of that scene.
That day he took over one hundred photos, but when ordered to reveal an accident occurred with the drying and only eight were saved, this is one of those eight.

I like it because this photo is important to the history of photography and the photojournalism, and is one of the first ways in which photography is used as social testimony. Also Robert Capa is one of the most important photojournalist of all time, and practically the first war photographer so this photo would be considered like a turning point.

1 comentario:

  1. Robert Capa is a of my favorites journalist!!!
    When I see your photo I remember his history inmediatly!! :D I like him!
    But many people said that this photo (and others) not are him. I don't believe this. I think is envy :D
    I like your choice!
