martes, 12 de abril de 2011

Animals and Pets

Animals are indisputably an important part of our lives. Most of us have ever had a pet.

I love animals, but not all of them. I like, dogs and cats and wild animals like lions, meerkats, tigers and all of the family of the cats. I used to had a pet really often when I was a kid, I had sea turtles, birds, hamsters, dogs, fish, bunnies, and cats, but most of then have a short life.
Now I don’t have pets, because I live in a little apartment, but I would like have a Pug dog, they’re lovely!

I am against of use animals in experiments, but only when these experiments may produce pain on them, like cosmetology. Also, there are experiments for medical research that not maltreat animals and if this means a help for the humanity, I’m agree.

There are people afraid of some animals. In personal case I have afraid of any insects, but not of other animals, maybe because I never have been attack by dogs or other domestic animal.

If I were an animal would be lion, because is my favorite animal and they are the kings of the jungle!

5 comentarios:

  1. The animal of your photo doesn't exist.
    The cat-frog don't exist. But I like it.

  2. "the lion is the king of the jungle", hahaha good reason

  3. It’s very important you think that the animals need space to live because as we all know the essentially of the animals are wild and although we to domesticate there. They need feel free. Also, just like you I have afraid insects because they bites me much :(

  4. I agree with your opinion about the use of animals in research. It's Ok as long as they are not maltreated.
