lunes, 25 de agosto de 2014

Even Homer Simpson went to Peru and I don't :(

Two hours ago I wouldn't have an idea about what place I would like to visit (there are so many). But I just met with a friend, and he told me about his travel to Machu Picchu a few years ago, and I realize that is a place that I would really like to go.  He told me about a kind of race that people have to do, to get to the Huayna Picchu mountain. Its like a race because only the first 500 visitors can get to the mountaintop, and everyone run through that hard, steep and endless path, and almost kill other people to be part of that 500. Well... that doesn't sound so much funny, even I think it gives me a little scary, but the way he told me sound exciting.  Of course he can get to the top, I think he wouldn't tell me if it wasn't was. That would be a real shame. Oh, oh! I forgot the questions I had to answer to write this post, but I think I already complete the 170 words. So see you next Monday dear teacher and classmates.

lunes, 18 de agosto de 2014

I'm on the edge of glory

Hello, mi name is Cecilia Oyanadel, I'm 23 years old and I'm in 4th year of Cine & TV.
Three years ago I had to do the same post in this blog when I was in level 3, so for not say the same thing I going to tell you how is my life at this moment. In my career I have been fine, I like Art Direction (Production Manager) and Direction Assistance. I will happy doing any of both. My personal life has been fine too, full of love, and fun (especially fun). This semester I hope to learn so much more than in level 3, because I didn't learn some useful stuff, but I had a great time, or that is what I remember. Also I hope no to die by Ebola soon, because I'm a girl and I just want to have fun (more), just like Madonna say.